Katrina named world’s sexiest Asian woman

MUMBAI, DEC 08 - Her absence from the big screen for a year has not stopped Bollywood beauty Katrina Kaif from winning the world’s sexiest Asian woman title for the fourth consecutive year in a poll by a weekly magazine.
The actress narrowly defeated Priyanka Chopra, TV star Drashti Dhami and current Box Office queen Deepika Padukone. She secured the top spot in the world-renowned ‘50 Sexiest
Asian Women List 2013’ with Chopra coming second, Dhami third and Padukone fourth.
A permanent fixture in the top three for the past six years, Kaif beat off competition from the world’s most stunning Asian women in the tenth edition of UK based newspaper’s definitive Sexy List. The fourth win comes just weeks before Katrina hits the big screen again in one of the year’s biggest Bollywood releases Dhoom 3: Back In Action. “I didn’t know it was a record! That’s a nice surprise and a lot of fun to hear,” Katrina said.
Like last year, the biggest surprise of 2013 list was the sheer dominance of television actresses from India. Dhami added to a dream year by becoming the first television actress to crack the top three while her friend Sanaya Irani entered the top 10 for the first time at sixth position.
The highest new entry was Aashiqui 2 star Shraddha Kapoor (12), who narrowly missed out the top 10. The highest placed Pakistani was Humaima Malick (15) and the only non-Indian in the list was Anger Management star Noureen DeWulf (10).